Natalie Ogbourne

Your Yellowstone Guide

√ helping you map out your YNP adventure

√ sharing life lessons from the trail

√ releasing soon: a Yellowstone memoir

Let's go to Yellowstone!

You’re in the right place.

  • Are you an armchair traveler who would enjoy trekking across Yellowstone through the pages of a book?
  • Are you planning a visit to Yellowstone?
  • Are you overwhlemed by everything you don’t know and some of what you do?
  • Do you need answers for your questions?
  • Do you need a guide to help you map out your adventure?
  • Do you need a little hope for navigating everyday life by faith?

 If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you’re in the right place. 

I’m Natalie. I’m here to help and offer hope. And I’m glad you’re here.

Let’s go to Yellowstone.

Recent Posts

Yellowstone in Spring | What to Expect

Yellowstone in Spring | What to Expect

It took just one trip to Yellowstone for my husband to discover that my beliefs about its weather are--in a word--delusional.  It began the night before our first vacation. The next morning, as soon as he finished his last exam of his senior year, we aimed to head...

It’s a Sign: Yellowstone

It’s a Sign: Yellowstone

Most of Yellowstone’s signs are posted along roads, at trailheads, or in front of points of interest. Sometimes, though, they’re situated down the trail—a billboard of sorts in the woods. We once came upon such a sign on the gentle beginnings of Uncle Tom’s Trail, its...

How to Plan a Winter Trip to Yellowstone

How to Plan a Winter Trip to Yellowstone

  Yellowstone in winter is an adventure in comparatives. It’s more majestic and less crowded than in other seasons. It’s more difficult to get around. (Even the animals take the road.) It’s also more difficult to do simple and necessary tasks. (Consider a visit...

Yellowstone and the Waiting World

Yellowstone and the Waiting World

Yellowstone is quiet right now. Its hibernators have denned and many of its birds have flown away. Its roads, except for the one between the North and Northeast Entrance, are empty. The park and its visitors are waiting. They aren’t waiting for the traffic to unsnarl...

Where to Stay in Yellowstone

Where to Stay in Yellowstone

Back when I worked in Yellowstone, I enjoyed desk duty at the Old Faithful Visitor’s Center (now the Visitor Education Center). Even back when park visitation was 2.5 million (as opposed to today’s approximately 4 million), the crowd pushing against the counter and...

Earned, not Bestowed

Earned, not Bestowed

Seeing a three-way split in the trail ahead, I slowed, looking for a clue as to which one was ours. There was nothing—no sign, no discernible difference between the trails, no indication of which path was the one we wanted. Because my husband always knows where he is...

Finding the Invitation in Prepare Him Room
Are you prepared?
Favorite Yellowstone Hikes

“There is a great deal of good to be learned from what we see every day, if we would but consider it.”

~ Matthew Henry