Hi there! I'm Natalie.

I help people go to Yellowstone–

in real life & through the pages of a book.

Yellowstone hasn’t just been good for me; it’s been good to me.
Whether you visit in person or through the pages of a book, it can be good for you too.

63,000 miles.

That’s how many miles I’ve road-tripped from home to Yellowstone and back again. It’s a lot of miles over a lot of years. 

Along the way, Yellowstone has inspired me to do a whole lot of things. Among them,

  • work in the park.
  • learn to love hiking.
  • learn how to live well from time on the trail.
  • write a book– a Yellowstone memoir–Waking Up in the Wilderness: A Yellowstone Journey.

Like I said, Yellowstone hasn’t just been good for me. Yellowstone has been good to me. And whether you visit in person or through the pages of a book, it can be good for you.


About the Book

Waking Up in the Wilderness: A Yellowstone Journey

Written for people who want to experience Yellowstone–or more of it, it’s for

  • Yellowstone fans
  • armchair travelers
  • outdoor adventurers
  • national park aficionados


When Natalie Ogbourne first visited Yellowstone National Park on a family vacation, she had no idea how it would change her life. This book invites you to embark on a four-decade journey through Yellowstone alongside Natalie as she navigates the fine line between solitude and isolation. You’ll encounter the inseparable delights and dangers of the park in all four seasons—hiking, canoeing, fly fishing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, and camping along the way. As you experience the transformational power of nature, you’ll learn that what’s true on the trail is true in life and be inspired to meet challenges with resilience and perspective.

For first-person book news, click here.

Natalie Writing
Be Prepared: Make Noise

About Life Lessons from Yellowstone:

At home, at work, and all points between isn’t there always something to navigate? If you’re looking for a little hope for the terrain you’re traveling

  • Click here to subscribe to Field Notes from Yellowstone.
  • Read Tales from the Trail on the Home or Blog Page.

About Your Yellowstone Guide

If you’re planning a vacation to Yellowstone & intimidated by all the unknowns, let me help you! I’m a former park employee who’s been helping people plan their time in the park since 1987.

  • Click here to read information for mapping your Yellowstone adventure.
  • Click here to contact us for details about working with me, Your Yellowstone Guide. (I am not currently taking online guiding clients.)
  • Click here to subscribe to The Guide & get one of my favorite itineraries.

    A Little About Me

    Hiking didn’t come naturally to me. (We grow, you know.) I love life outside but I have a hard time—and I mean a really hard time—getting out the door. I also have a hard time getting out of my head. Time on the trail helps me understand how to navigate the ups & downs, twists & turns, and flat places of everyday life by faith.

    I have maybe one athletic bone in my body. One. Maybe. It divides its time between hiking and downhill skiing. 

    My husband and I have been married for 31 years. He’s my favorite. We have a rapidly emptying nest. My kids are also on my favorite list.

    Aside from writing, I also speak and teach to encourage others to navigate the landscape of life by faith. You can find more information about that here.

    I love Yellowstone, mountains, still water and dancing streams, lilacs, daffodils, rugged skirts and ridiculous shoes, speaking, teaching, and singing.

    Now, I’d love to hear about you. 

    Thanks for being here. If you’d like to hear from me about navigating life and Yellowstone, subscribe here.

    take heart and happy trails  ~ 


    “There is a great deal to be learned from what we see every day, if we would but consider it.” ~ Matthew Henry