Hope for Navigating Life | Help for Navigating Yellowstone
Part of the Journey
Even though Mom and Dad first took us to the mountains when we were little, little enough that my brother and I had matching blue and white jackets, it wasn't until we went to Yellowstone that we really hiked. Our early forays on the trail were not entirely...
What Do May Flowers Bring?
If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims, of course. Of all the cards I have received in my life, you would think I would remember one more profound. No. I remember this. A silly joke that comes to mind more often than seems right does...
For This May: Progress
Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress no matter how slow. ~ Plato At nine o'clock one year ago tonight, my Dad inched his way through our door, upper body resting heavily on a walker, toes laboring to do the work that his missing hip...
It could be anything – a soccer game, a wedding – and if it is to be held outdoors, the weather becomes a plot driving character in the day’s story. Like the girl from the nursery rhyme, when it’s good, it is really, really good, but when it’s bad? It might not be...
For This Spring
Because we like snow, we watched it swirl through the branches of the tree that sits between our house and the pond. My daughter spotted a robin – our first of the year – perched on a branch, proof that winter will yield to spring. It will release its hold on the land...
For This March: Great Expectations
It’s hard to beat the Tetons. They are beautiful. It is easy to see why people would be in a hurry to arrive. Even so, there is beauty in the delay, if only we will slow down long enough to see it. Once, when we had driven up into Yellowstone from the Tetons, we met a...
A Tree’s Tale
My husband is a mountain goat, climbing and clinging to the unlikeliest of spots with ease. Our children take after him and as soon as they are able, they scramble after him. Those poor, sad souls who aren’t yet able to climb with their daddy stay behind with me, and...
A Good Name
Last summer I met the son of a favorite great-uncle. My whole family was staying at a Minnesota fishing resort and when he came by, I, because I don’t like to meet people, at first let my mom go greet her cousin by herself. Eventually, though, I decided to be a...
For This February: a Look Back
I made a discovery this morning, the kind of morning that takes place in the middle of the night. The wind from the snow storm woke me up and because it is pointless to live with snow if I am not going to enjoy it, I got up, happy just to be awake while the snow fell....
Bends in the Road
I found myself staring at my computer screen, rather shocked at what I had written. What had started out as a simple story about my little girl’s foray into the world with her Pa and how it carried over into our family’s life on the trail had turned, unbidden, into...
On Finding It
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. Matthew 7:13-14 I think this is the road...
On Vision and Purpose
Three simple verbs for this new year: Restore. Retrain. Remember. To remember is the most difficult. Three reminders for the new year: From the Word: For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk...
For This New Year
Last January it occurred to me that I was without focus so I decided it was time to set some goals and get myself back on track. I stuck with this quest for about a month before my enthusiasm waned and it all got set aside. I told myself that things had just gotten...
Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Proverbs 4:26