Natalie Ogbourne

Your Yellowstone Guide

√ Waking Up in the Wilderness: A Yellowstone Journey

√ Life Lessons from Yellowstone

√ Helping Yellowstone visitors since 1987

read a glimpse into Waking Up in the Wilderness

I’m Natalie. I’m here with help, hope & a good read.

I’m glad you’re here. Let’s go to Yellowstone!

Releasing October 21!

Waking Up in the Wilderness:

A Yellowstone Journey

Are you an armchair traveler, an outdoor adventurer, or a national park enthusiast? Are you ready to trek across Yellowstone through the pages of a book?

If so, this may be the book for you.

It’s more than an adventure story about  me and my family doing what we love in a place we love with people we love. It’s a sign pointing beyond all that and saying, “Look at this!” so readers can see what there is to see for themselves.

 More details coming soon–sign up for first-person news here!

Encounter | Experience | Explore

4Things to Remember When You Hike in Yellowstone

Lessons From Yellowstone

Tales from the trail offering help, hope, and encouragement for navigating the ups, downs, blind corners, and flat stretches of the landscape of everyday life

Read the field notes here


More attention. Less autopilot.

More faith. Less fear.

Helping Yellowstone visitors plan their time in the park since 1987

  • Are you planning a visit to Yellowstone?
  • Are you overwhelmed by everything you don’t know and some of what you do?
  • Do you need answers for your questions?
  • Do you need a guide to help you map out your adventure?

 If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you’re in the right place. Read the guides here. 

Yellowstone National Park Sign

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It’s a Sign: Yellowstone

It’s a Sign: Yellowstone

Most of Yellowstone’s signs are posted along roads, at trailheads, or in front of points of interest. Sometimes, though, they’re situated down the trail—a billboard of sorts in the woods. We once came upon such a sign on the gentle beginnings of Uncle Tom’s Trail, its...

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“There is a great deal of good to be learned from what we see every day, if we would but consider it.”

~ Matthew Henry