Natalie Ogbourne

Your Yellowstone Guide

√ helping you map out your YNP adventure

√ sharing life lessons from the trail

√ releasing soon: a Yellowstone memoir

Let's go to Yellowstone!

You’re in the right place.

  • Are you an armchair traveler who would enjoy trekking across Yellowstone through the pages of a book?
  • Are you planning a visit to Yellowstone?
  • Are you overwhlemed by everything you don’t know and some of what you do?
  • Do you need answers for your questions?
  • Do you need a guide to help you map out your adventure?
  • Do you need a little hope for navigating everyday life by faith?

 If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you’re in the right place. 

I’m Natalie. I’m here to help and offer hope. And I’m glad you’re here.

Let’s go to Yellowstone.

Recent Posts

How to Plan Your Yellowstone Vacation

How to Plan Your Yellowstone Vacation

Planning a trip to Yellowstone? Consider these 10 things to help you plan your Yellowstone vacation. Make a plan--one that includes a plan A, and a plan B, and possibly a plan C. Bison choose their own crosswalks and cross the road slowly. In herds. Wildlife block the...

Gifts and  Graces | Spring 2023

Gifts and Graces | Spring 2023

When it comes to navigating the landscape of life, I find it dishearteningly easy to drift toward reacting in fear or finding my way by feel rather than walking by faith. Maybe you know what that’s like.  One practice that helps me stay on course is to pay attention....

How to be Prepared: Make Noise

How to be Prepared: Make Noise

“It’s time to turn around,” my husband said.  Relieved, I pivoted on the spot. J and I were in Yellowstone’s Bechler Region, a remote area with no roads, plenty of waterfalls, and its share of bears. It took the morning just to drive there. After spending the rest of...

Hiking with Kids in Yellowstone

Hiking with Kids in Yellowstone

  We started hiking with our kids in Yellowstone while they were still babies. Because of that, we've embraced some mindsets and strategies to foster a pleasant hiking experience for everyone. We want them to be happy, safe, and motivated to keep going. (And we...

How to Be Prepared: Be Alert

How to Be Prepared: Be Alert

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Gathering Winter’s Saving Graces

Gathering Winter’s Saving Graces

  For Yellowstone's bison, it's the end of this season that's most dangerous. They've spent the winter foraging for frozen foliage by swinging their heads back and forth through the snow like a bucket on an excavator. After a long winter of burning their reserves...

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“There is a great deal of good to be learned from what we see every day, if we would but consider it.”

~ Matthew Henry