Let’s Sit In Front!

Let’s Sit In Front!

Two years ago my parents took all five grandchildren to Florida to the beach and Sea World and Disney World. Disney World. My mom looked kind of chagrinned when she brought it up, as though she was worried we might think they had taken leave of their senses. She had...

What Matters

Parked on a chair in the hospital lobby, I was beyond the reach of the wind’s icy fingers. I’d come for a routine test and stayed to make my grocery list in an attempt to delay meeting the arctic air that had blown in that morning.  A family went about...

On Feeling Lost

Because I inherited my zeal for vacation planning from my dad, it wasn’t long after he invited me to go to the writing class that we began to plot the hikes we would take along the way. He charted our route, one that would take us into Yellowstone through the Tetons...