Natalie Ogbourne

Your Yellowstone Guide

√ helping you map out your YNP adventure

√ sharing life lessons from the trail

√ releasing soon: a Yellowstone memoir

Let's go to Yellowstone!

You’re in the right place.

  • Are you an armchair traveler who would enjoy trekking across Yellowstone through the pages of a book?
  • Are you planning a visit to Yellowstone?
  • Are you overwhlemed by everything you don’t know and some of what you do?
  • Do you need answers for your questions?
  • Do you need a guide to help you map out your adventure?
  • Do you need a little hope for navigating everyday life by faith?

 If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you’re in the right place. 

I’m Natalie. I’m here to help and offer hope. And I’m glad you’re here.

Let’s go to Yellowstone.

Recent Posts

Are You Prepared?

Are You Prepared?

My husband and I were just approaching the trailhead when I saw the sign. Again. WARNING: BEAR FREQUENTING AREA. The weight of impending doom settled on my soul and my mind launched in with its barrage of questions. How many bears? Is it one or a mama with cubs? How...

How to Guard Your Heart

How to Guard Your Heart

A long, long time ago—forty years last month—my parents took my little brother and me to Yellowstone. If you’ve read around here long, you know my life has never been the same. (Thank you, Mom and Dad.) One of the sights I most remember from that first visit is...

How We Prepare Him Room

How We Prepare Him Room

Zipping my jacket to my chin, I picked up speed in hopes of generating more body heat. Before long it would be warm—possibly even hot—but that would be later. For now, the October sun hadn’t been up long enough to chase away the overnight chill. Earlier, when the...

Gifts & Graces | Summer 2022

Gifts & Graces | Summer 2022

For more years than I care to admit, July 1 has settled in with a heavy sense of loss. Summer, I believed, was almost over. This is as unhelpful as it is untrue. How can a season that was born just days before be nearly at its end? Maturity is teaching me to take on...

Gifts and Graces | Spring 2022

Gifts and Graces | Spring 2022

One practice I use to keep me oriented to the features of the landscape of my life is to list the season's gifts and graces. It's a simple way to fix my eyes on the good so I can do my part to foster a hopeful perspective and healthy mindset. The list is intended to...

One Way We Find Our Way

One Way We Find Our Way

“This way, Babe.” Late the night before, my husband, J, and I had checked into a hotel in Nebraska. Now it was morning, time to resume our road trip. I stepped out of our room and turned to the right, which, apparently, was wrong. “Really?” I asked. I was sure this...

Winter Gifts and Graces

Winter Gifts and Graces

Of the practices I use to foster a hopeful perspective and healthy mindset, keeping a list of the season's gifts and graces is the simplest. Somewhere along the line, I started rearranging it into a bell shape and now I can't really stop. This season's gathering of...

Finding the Invitation in Prepare Him Room
Are you prepared?
Favorite Yellowstone Hikes

“There is a great deal of good to be learned from what we see every day, if we would but consider it.”

~ Matthew Henry