Hope for Navigating Life | Help for Navigating Yellowstone

Two Ways of Waiting

Two Ways of Waiting

Yellowstone’s Old Faithful Inn gift shop hummed like a hive. All the time. Except when Old Faithful was about to erupt.  Then, every visitor in the area was out on the boardwalk, waiting. After a short lull, the gift shop—site of my summer job between high school and...

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Waiting for Tomorrow

Waiting for Tomorrow

Dad and I were the last to check in. The arrival window for the nature writing class was from four to eight, and the sun hung low behind the distant mountains when we stepped out of the van and onto the gravel parking lot. We’d put it off as long as possible. We’d...

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Putting Myself Aside

Putting Myself Aside

With winter’s chill rolling off him as he and his siblings came in from the wintry night air, my son asked, “Can we have our friends over to play boot hockey?” Flanking him, his sisters, echoed the question silently with their eyes. We live in Iowa, and of the ten...

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Trail Talk

Trail Talk

Happy May! Isn't it wonderful to finally not be cold? If you've read around here long, you've probably picked up on the fact that I am a conflicted outdoorsy type--an avid indoorswoman and a reluctant hiker.  Reluctant or not, time, experience, and maturity have...

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Walking When You’d Rather Wait

Walking When You’d Rather Wait

A couple of Mays ago, our family was in Yellowstone, standing in line at the Visitor Education Center at Mammoth Hot Springs, waiting to find out if a trail was open. Because the wait was long, we ended up eavesdropping as a ranger recommended the Sepulcher Mountain...

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Pondering Life Outside Challenge

Pondering Life Outside Challenge

According to C.S. Lewis, “No man would find an abiding strangeness on the Moon unless he were the sort of man who could find it in his own back garden.” My grandma began schooling me in the wonders of the back garden early, when I was just a little girl.  Among the...

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Winter Gifts and Graces

Winter Gifts and Graces

Regardless of what the thermometer reads today or tomorrow or next week, winter is winding down. I'll just repeat that, mostly because I need the reassurance. Winter is winding down. I need the reassurance because I believe something that isn't true: Everything will...

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For When We Find Ourselves Waiting

For When We Find Ourselves Waiting

Bundled against the sub-zero temperatures, we left the cozy warmth of our cabin to brave Yellowstone’s deep winter chill. At twelve below zero, the temperature was up seven degrees already that morning from the previous afternoon's negative nineteen. After fumbling...

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Beginning Again

Beginning Again

Oh, I have something special to share with you today: a guest post from one of my favorite writers on the internet: Tresta Payne. I was encouraged and challenged by what she's offered here, and I hope you will be, as well. All creation groans for a new beginning, and...

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Fall Notes

Fall Notes

Fall is traditionally my favorite season. Its crisp leaves and cool air combine to make it a time I want to linger on indefinitely. This one is half-gone and I’ve kind of missed it. At least that’s what I thought before I took a look back. I haven’t missed anything....

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Tracks and Transitions

Tracks and Transitions

Out west, our family sometimes stays in a cabin on a parcel of land plunked down in the middle of a national forest. There—with no cell service, no cable, and no wifi-- we watch the weather unfold in the sky rather than on radar. A couple of years back, a sunny...

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Sparkling in an Unfamiliar Life

Sparkling in an Unfamiliar Life

My great-grandma was a woman of summer. She kept a garden. She grew the flowers and vegetables that graced her table. She picked the berries that topped our ice cream. Once in a while I helped her in the garden or the berry patch and it always shocked me when she...

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Christmas In August

Christmas In August

  Steamy air radiated from the asphalt as we crossed the road in front of the diner. Dad and I had traveled to Yellowstone for a nature writing seminar and a quick stop at Mammoth Hot Springs for an ice cream cone marked the transition from our leisurely tour of...

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Summer Notes

Summer Notes

Seasons--the days, the weeks, and even the months they are made of--are easy things for me to give away. I saw this tendency when my son and daughters were small and I referred to them as the age they would be on their next birthday rather than the one they...

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No: A Long Bridge to Yes

No: A Long Bridge to Yes

When I slipped off the wide gravel road and into the woods, I knew it was a risk. The worn, earthen trail between the trees was wore a dark, saturated look, as if just a few drops of rain would transform it into shoe-sucking mud. At first it was solid and often...

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What Gives Her Away

What Gives Her Away

  Elyse was four when she first showed us how brave she was—and what mattered enough to bring that bravery out. We’d moved, pulling into the driveway at a new house after dark on a Sunday night and popping out for a pre-school visit at nine the very next morning....

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Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Proverbs 4:26